Have you considered becoming a mentor supervisor for acupuncturists and other health professionals? Our training programme was started by BAcC Fellow Isobel Cosgrove over 20 years ago. This popular training is delivered by experienced educators and mentor-supervisors.
Through the training you will:
Learn skills for setting up group and /or one to one supervision work
Learn to lead a supervision group for local practitioners
Acquire mentoring & leadership skills in the context of acupuncture/your professions’ practice.
Learn facilitation and group work skills for Professional Development Leads and Regional Group Coordinators
Gain skills to support fellow practitioners, assist with their personal development, benefit their patients, their clinical practice and ultimately themselves.
Becoming a mentor supervisor can provide an additional source of income and help you grow professionally and personally. You will also build local connections and contribute to the development of the profession.
Join your professional body’s list of accredited supervisor's - eg BAcC and AAC ( check with your respective professional bodies. )
Throughout the course, participants attend lectures that focus on group dynamics and facilitation skills. However, the core of the learning experience is experiential, and supervision groups are held every afternoon. Participants are encouraged to maintain reflective journals and to bring practice issues and case studies for further exploration in these groups. Attendees are also encouraged to lead a small group themselves and receive feedback from trainers helping to develop their skills and increase their confidence.
Proficiency in facilitating interpersonal work.
Ability to give feedback that empowers the practitioner.
A deeper understanding of issues such as confidentiality, boundaries, projection, transference, maintaining professional relationships, and building and managing a practice.
Expertise in running group work or 1:1 supervision with compassion, insight, and a sense of humour.
An ongoing network of support for your own practice.
Sign up for the Next Training
Our next training will be in London over four weekends from March to September 2025. There are twelve available places and applicants will need at least five years in clinical practice. We are now interviewing and invite applications up to Summer 2024.